As you know, your job consists of many tasks, so you may feel satisfied when you finish your tasks even if your work (i.e., job) is still in progress.
I’m not talking about spending extra hours at work, or exerting more effort to tick off your checklist; I’m talking about achieving the goal that you’re asked to accomplish.
For example, if your goal is to make a birthday cake for your nine-year-old daughter and you have no idea what you’re going to do—even if it’s not your first time to be in the kitchen—your tasks will be:
– Planning what you are going to do. Because making a cake for nine-year-old girl is very different from making a cake for a 24-year-old boy. After all, a 24-year-old boy might not be pleased with a birthday cake with a little pony on it.
– Searching for the right ingredients and making sure you have sufficient amounts. You don’t want to be in the middle of the process and realize you’re out of eggs or milk.
– Following the right instructions. YouTube can be a lifesaver in such occasions. Don’t underestimate it.
Once you’re done with all these steps (i.e., tasks), your cake is ready. Congratulations! You did your job!
Even if the cake isn’t that delicious, it’s okay—you’ll be fantastic next time.
But what if you missed one ingredient? Or what if you burned the cake?
In that case, you’ll find everybody saying in chorus: “God! You had ONE job!”
What are they referring to? Presenting an aesthetically pleasing cake for your little daughter.
Yes, you followed all the steps necessary but you ended up burning the cake.
Put differently, you finished all your tasks but you didn’t do your job.
And unfortunately, no one gets recognition without finishing their job.
By: Seth Godin